priligy generic Dear Yogilators, Happy beginning of spring! The sunny and colorful season is about to get started...
Yoga to Speed Up Your Metabolism Yoga is good for you. Sure, that’s a fact – proven by our own feelings, experiences...
YOGA Poses 101: Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Would you like to improve your balance, stretch your shoulders and strengthen your legs and upper...
“Yoga für dich und überall” von Ursula Karven Ist vielleicht einer deiner Neujahrvorsätze mit Yoga zu beginnen? Wie wäre es mit ein paar kleinen...
Want to get/stay fit at home? Here is all you need. You’re not feeling comfortable working out with others? Or perhaps you’re feeling observed and “on the...
Stay Yogilated: My Top 7 Workout-DVD’s Do you want to get rid of your winter fluff or get toned again, but you...
Sitting too much? Yoga poses to relax and relieve stiffness and stress Do you know that feeling, when your body aches from sitting too much? It can be...
Yoga vs. Pilates mat Are you using the same mat when practicing yoga and Pilates? Have you had (back) pain...
Yoga and Healing Yoga and Healing Research Have you ever wondered why Yoga is getting such an increased attention...
Health Benefits of Riding a Bike Do you consider your bike as one of your best buddies? Well then, welcome to the...