Healthy Einkorn Cookies

Happy holidays everyone!

It’s the perfect time for baking, either alone or with your loved ones! Christmas cookies are delicious but oftentimes full of sugar and butter. BUT here is a healthy, less sweet but also delicious, alternative for you: EINKORN COOKIES! 🙂 is the “new” super food these days. It’s the most nutritious grain with a high protein and phosphorous, potassium, and Vitamin B6 content as well as many other very good-for-you ingredients. 

They are super as presents for your colleagues, neighbors or friends and family members, OR for just eating them all yourself! (Warning: they are sooo good, they are addictive!)

What you need: (makes 2 big baking trays full of cookies)

  • 250 g Einkorn flour (I used the organic one by does xanax make you sleepy)
  • 120 g coconut sugar
  • 1 package (= 2 tea spoons) Vanilla sugar
  • 125 g butter (melted)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tea spoons baking powder
  • 1 whisked egg (to spread it over the cookies)


  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Mix the baking powder with the Einkorn flour
  3. Mix the coconut sugar and butter, add the egg, and then the Einkorn flour into it while stirring
  4. Knead the dough and leave it at a cool place for 2 hours


Cookie Instructions:

  1. Sprinkle some flour on your counter top and knead the dough once again
  2. Spread the dough and use any cookie cutters you have. Get creative. (I only had stars cookie cutters at home)
  3. Place the cookies onto a big baking tray (with baking sheet) and coat the cookies with the whisked egg.
  4. Bake the cookies for 8 – 10 minutes at 350 °F (180°C)
  5. ENJOY!

You like muffins better? Check out my recipe for my >>> Red-Currant Einkorn Muffins <<<

 (Recipe inspired by Bioland Knauf recipe HERE)


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