Super snack: Kale chips / Grünkohl Chips

Fall(ing) for kale ~ The kale season is here!!

It’s been a while that I shared one of my favorite recipes with you, but here it is: super easy, healthy AND delicious Kale chips!

I’ve been thinking about making my own for quite a while but always thought that it’s a lot of time and effort – until I found out that I was wrong!! Got 15 minutes? Read on!

is xanax a beta blockerSimple Kale Chips / Einfache Grünkohl Chips

Ingredients / Zutaten: (for 1 Portion):

  • 150 g fresh organic kale / frischen bio Grünkohl  
  • 1.5 tbs olive oil / 1,5 EL Olivenöl
  • 1 pinch sea salt / 1 Prise Meersalz 

Preparartion / Zubereitung:

  1. Preheat the oven to 300 °F / Den Ofen auf 150 °C vorheizen (Umluft) 
  2. Wash the kale, remove stems and cut it into bite-size pieces / Den Grünkohl  gründlich waschen, Stengel entfernen und in “snack-gerechte” Stücke schneiden
  3. Place it in a big bowl / Die Grünkohl Stücke in eine große Schüssel geben
  4. Add the olive oil and sea salt and mix it all together / Das Olivenöl und Meersalz hinzufügen und alles vermischen
  5. Place the kale on a baking sheet with parchment paper / Den Grünkohl auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech verteilen
  6. Bake them for 10 minutes — turn them after 5 minutes. (Note: Sometimes they are done sooner. Take them out as soon as they turn brown.) / Den Grünkohl für 10 Minuten in den Ofen schieben – nach 5 Minuten die Grünkohlröschen wenden (Achtung: Manchmal geht es schneller! Sobald sie braun werden, sind sie (über) fertig.)
  7. ENJOY!

You can also use pepper, chili, turmeric or any spice you want, or you can also add a little bit of Parmesan or whatever you prefer. It’s quick, easy and MUCH cheaper than buying the kale chips in your grocery store. absolute guilt-free snack for your next party or movie night! Kale chips are delicious and an absolute health food because kale is not only low in calorie and fat, it’s packed with Vitamins (A, B, C, K, ..), beta-carotene, minerals, antioxidants and much more!

Why kale is good for you? Read on

As always, I would love to see your pictures on Instagram or Facebook when you’ve tried my recipe!

Stay yogilated 🙂

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