Stay Yogilated: My Top 7 Workout-DVD’s

Do you want to get rid of your winter fluff or get toned again, but you don’t have time to go to the gym very often?

Here’s my TOP 7 of my favorite home workout DVD’s that help me stay in shape without a gym:

1. Kristen McGee: Pilates

2. Barbara Becker: B.Fit in 30 Tagen (German)

3. Kristen McGee: Yoga (great for beginners and all other levels!)

4. Kristen McGee: Pilates MIXcomo tomar tamoxifeno

5. Kristen McGee: Power Yoga (Intermediate to Advanced level)

6. Kristen McGee: Weight Loss Pilates (heisst in Deutsch “Abnehmen mit Pilates”)

7. Kristen McGee: Strong Sexy Svelte [on my wish list for my next trip to the US, because it’s not available here in Europe 🙁 ]

You can find all of them in your trusted online shop 🙂

Those are great workouts for building your strength, toning your muscles, increase your flexibility, and to help you relax.

NOTE: I always suggest to visit an actual yoga or Pilates class before you practice at home on your own, just to have someone show you how to do the positions correctly without hurting yourself. 

What are your favorite workout DVD’s?

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