Want to get/stay fit at home? Here is all you need.

You’re not feeling comfortable working out with others? Or perhaps you’re feeling observed and “on the watch” in the gym?

Why not working out at home? That’s what I am doing 🙂 Here’s my little home gym:


  1. yoga mat
  2. Pilates mat
  3. Hula-hoop
  4. Exercise ball
  5. Resistance band(s)
  6. Pilates Circle aka “Magic Ring”
  7. Free weights
  8. Pilates (stability & balance) cushion

Not on the picture but definitely great to have:

  • jump rope
  • Yoga blocks
  • Bosu ball

And here are some workout ideas with these great “toys”:

Little Update: I have recently started to use Gymondo for working out at home. It´s a very cool platform with tons of fitness workouts and recipes customized for you and your goal.


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