ativan for alcohol withdrawal tamoxifen induced cre Hi, my name is Karen and I was born in December 1986 in East Germany, at...
amoxil/clav This evening, during my (meditative) walk, I walked through a little avenue and passed by a...
Thoughts on: I don’t want a perfect life, I want a HAPPY life! Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to stop for a minute...
1 Year of Yogilation Happy 1st Birthday of Yogilation!! It’s unbelievable but today exactly 1 year ago, I decided to...
Introverts and Mindfulness “I’ve been practicing yoga for several years. At the end of every class is a five-minute...
Thoughts on the Power of Positive Thinking & Gratitude Good morning and happy Sunday! I hope you all had a relatively cool and restful night?...
Thoughts on Timing II – Why don’t we just do the things we always wanted to do NOW and not later? “The trouble is, you think you have time.” Buddha This is something I’ve been thinking about...