Thoughts on: Life rarely happens the way we plan it.

This evening, during my (meditative) walk, I walked through a little avenue and passed by a “Hopscotch” (a jumping game) that children drew on the sidewalk earlier with some colorful chalk.

It was drawn sideways and I walked across it. …..

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Hopscotch Game – picture via Pinterest

I thought to myself, that it would’ve been fun to do the game and just take the challenge and jump it. But I didn’t. I didn’t, because it was out of my way – off the path I needed to go to get home.

So I stopped, and asked myself if I really just passed on a fun and great moment just because it was “out of my way”? So I turned around and jumped through the game in the dark.

Some people were passing me and smiled. some looked at me like they thought I was “different,” but I REALLY didn’t care. I was having fun, being in the moment, enjoying myself while playing a childish and funny little game!

Isn’t this a great metaphor for life? Life rarely happens the way we plan it. We pass on and miss out on great moments or opportunities; just because it wasn’t the way we planned it. Sometimes we are so focused on our path and the direction we want or think we need to go, that we forget that detours or taking another path, can oftentimes even be better and a whole ‘lotta more fun’ 🙂

As I always say:

Be happy. Be kind. Be YOU. <3

Stay yogilated!

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