“The trouble is, you think you have time.” Buddha
This is something I’ve been thinking about lately … there are so many things I said I wanted to do when my work gets less busy, when the summer is here, when I have more time etc.
And what have I done of all those things? To be honest, not many. I said I’d go to get my car washed as soon as the winter is over and then spring came, summer came, and I kept driving by the car wash until 2 days ago when I just decided to just do it and got my car washed.
Same goes with getting a teeth cleaning, going to medical annual check ups, riding my bike around in my new area, and the list goes on. I got so fed up with myself that I simply went to the doctors, got an appointment for a teeth cleaning, and rode my bike for 1 hour yesterday. And you know what? IT FELT SOO GOOD!
It’s funny, we all think we have so much time. We will do this tomorrow, or we will read this book when we have time, or we will meet up or call an old friend soon etc.
Truth is, that our time is limited and there is never going to be a better time than now. Life is too short. And think about how GREAT it feels to do things and when you finally did something you’ve always wanted to do.
Time to write on … I am inspired .. 🙂
Stay yogilated!