clomiphene dosage for men Everything is Ayurveda Three words – one big meaning. A meaning that I knew, but only...
Thoughts on … limiting ourselves with our lack of trust and self-belief As a small motivation for the beginning of a new day, I’d like to share something...
March: Yogilation’s Self-Care Challenge Dear Yogilators! Tomorrow is the start of a new month AND the meteorological beginning of spring!...
Thoughts on: I don’t want a perfect life, I want a HAPPY life! Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to stop for a minute...
Stay Yogilated: My Top 7 Workout-DVD’s Do you want to get rid of your winter fluff or get toned again, but you...
The Cracked Pot ~ A beautiful methaphor ~A beautiful metaphor and reminder~ The Cracked Pot A water bearer had two large pots, each...
Yoga vs. Pilates mat Are you using the same mat when practicing yoga and Pilates? Have you had (back) pain...
Yoga and Healing Yoga and Healing Research Have you ever wondered why Yoga is getting such an increased attention...
Great book! “Don’t sweat the small stuff … and it’s all small stuff” / “100 Regeln für ein gutes Leben” by Richard Carlson Have you read “Don’t sweat the small stuff … and it’s all small stuff” by Richard...
Get fit this weekend! All you need is a resistance band! Do you have a resistance band at home? If not, you can get it at every...