clomid long term side effects Dear all, I am proud and excited to share the happy news with you that I...
cialis effects The Carrot, Eggs, and Coffee Beans – An Inspirational Metaphor about Challenges, Growth and Strength A young...
Thoughts on … limiting ourselves with our lack of trust and self-belief As a small motivation for the beginning of a new day, I’d like to share something...
March: Yogilation’s Self-Care Challenge Dear Yogilators! Tomorrow is the start of a new month AND the meteorological beginning of spring!...
My don’t do list 2015 2015 is only a few days away. Christmas is over, the time for family and good...
Two Years of Yogilation – A happy review HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY of YOGILATION!! 😀 2 years ago, I decided to overcome my insecurity and...
Thoughts on: Life rarely happens the way we plan it. This evening, during my (meditative) walk, I walked through a little avenue and passed by a...
Thoughts on: I don’t want a perfect life, I want a HAPPY life! Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to stop for a minute...
When life is tough and you need a little lift: my favorites Sure, we all have heard “Life is like a jump rope/roller coaster/sinus curve..” There are ups...
The mind-body connection – Emotional Pain vs. Physical Pain You have most likely heard about the whole “mind-body connection” and might have thought “Oh there...