Oatmeal – Why it’s NOT just a Meal with Oats

Hello dear Yogilators!
It’s becoming fall outside, that means cooler mornings and less sunshine during the day. So, our bodies crave warm comfy food that helps us stay energized even when the sun is missing.

One of my old time favorites is my beloved OATMEAL or in some countries better known as “porridge” 🙂 I eat it every morning during the week because it’s quick, easy, delicious, and keeps me satisfied and warmed-up inside.

Sure, it might not look the most delicious to some people, but it IS nutritious, delicious and healthy due to its various health benefits like:

  • Lowers cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure and aids your heart health
  • Aids in weight loss because it’s high in fiber which keeps you full longer and improves digestion
  • Stabilizes blood sugar and can reduce the risk of diabetes
  • Oats are 100% natural whole grains and therefore are without any additional preservatives
  • Boosts immune system and can prevent breast cancer due to its phytochemicals like lignans and enterolactone that protect against cancers
  • Contains many vitamins, iron and other minerals

>> Read more details about the health benefits HERE and HERE.<<

You think eating oatmeal every morning is boring? Au contraire! You can make oatmeal in so many different ways! Here is my recipe with some topping ideas for you:


  • 1/2 cup organic oats (plain)
  • 1/3 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1 tea spoon Chia seeds (or hemp seeds)
  • 0.5 tea spoon flax seeds
  • 1 tea spoon Moringa powder (or Matcha powder, wheat grass powder, or Maca powder, or raw cocoa powder ..)
  • 1 cup (fresh) organic blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or mulberries …
  • 1 small banana
  • Turmeric, cinnamon


  1. Mix the almond milk and oats in a pot and heat it up on the stove
  2. Add the Chia seeds and flax seeds
  3. Stir it all until the oats have a mash or puree-like texture
  4. Put it into a bowl and mix the Moringa powder with the oatmeal
  5. Add your toppings: any berries, the banana and turmeric and cinnamon
  6. ENJOY!
 Find more recipe ideas for any mood, time of the week, or weather here:

Stay yogilated!


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