Recipe: Yogilational Green Smoothie

A few days ago, I signed up for a green smoothie challenge starting in February. In this challenge, I will drink 1 green smoothie a day for the whole month of February. I am excited and curious about the recipes and what it will actually do for me.

If you’ve been following my Yogilation page for while now, you know that I’m a “health-nut” and I enjoy trying new foods, places, and workouts, so I am looking forward to the green smoothie challenge for sure. So today, I wanted to use my greens that I had in my fridge for a small “trial green smoothie.” And here is what I mixed together:


  • Organic kale
  • Organic chives
  • Organic celery slices
  • Organic zucchini
  • Fresh salad greens
  • Chia seeds
  • Organic coconut water (unflavored)



1. Cut the celery sticks and zucchini into small slices

2. Add all greens into your blender

3. Add the coconut water (or soy milk etc.)

4. BLEND it all together for 2 minutes



I would probably recommend adding some kind of fruit (kiwi, mango, banana, apple etc.) to add a little more flavor, or perhaps natural raw honey.

It smelled incredible! I would describe the smell as a garden with fresh herbs. Plus, it tasted very good, too! It was really filling, so I had a hard time finishing it in the afternoon, but it sure was a good, healthy, and tasty snack!

What’s your favorite green smoothie recipe?

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