Quick-Easy & deliciously healthy Oatmeal Cookies (no flour, no eggs!)

Hello dear Yogilators,

I baked today!! I found this recipe on Pinterest and simply HAD TO try it!

It’s super simple, all you need is 2 ingredients, it’s quick, delicious, nutritious, AND they are good for you, too!! 

What you need:

– 1 cup oats / ca. 200g Haferflocken (zart oder kernig)

– 2 ripe bananas / 2 reife Bananen

– (optional) 1 Tablespoon Flaxseeds / 1 EL Leinsamen

You can add whatever you like: Chia seeds, dark chocolate chips, dried blueberries or other fruit, walnuts …be creative but please NO sugar or marshmallows! (it will destroy the “healthy” label 😉 )


1. Cut bananas in slices / Schneide die Bananen in Scheiben

2. Mix the bananas with the oatmeal in a bowl until it becomes one cookie dough // Vermische die Bananen mit den Haferflocken bis es eine feste Keksmasse ist.

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3. Place it on a parchment-lined baking sheet (or in muffin forms like I did because I was out of baking parchment) // Plaziere den Teig in kleinen Keksformen (oder wie du es gern hättest) auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Blech (oder wie ich in Muffinförmchen, da ich kein Backpapier mehr hatte)

4. Bake them for 15 min at 350°F / 180°C

ENJOY! They are absolutely delicious, for example with yogurt for breakfast or as a snack on the go. 

[source and original recipe here >>>>: http://www.theburlapbag.com/2012/07/2-ingredient-cookies-plus-the-mix-ins-of-your-choice/]

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