Happy Sunday and 3rd of Advent dear Yogilators!
I decided to switch it up a little and made my belovedbuy sildenafil dapoxetine today differently. And suffice to say: my guests loved them 🙂
- 1 cup oats / 200g Haferflocken (zart oder kernig)
- 2 table spoons Quinoa / 2 EL Quinoa
- 2 ripe bananas / 2 reife Bananen
- 1 table spoon Maca powder / 1 EL Maca Pulver (or Hemp Protein powder/ oder Hanf Protein Pulver)
- 1/3 cup dried aronia berries / ca. 50g getrocknete Aronia Beeren
- 1 tea spoon Chia seeds / 1 TL Chia Samen
- 1 tea spoon flax seeds / 1 TL Leinsamen
- cinnamon, cardamon for flavor (optional) / Zimt und Kardamon nach Bedarf
- Add the oats, Quinoa, Maca powder, Chia seeds, flax seeds and aronia berries in a bowl / Vermische die Haferflocken, Quinoa, Maca Pulver, Chia-Samen, Leinsamen und Aronia Beeren in einer Schuessel
- Cut the ripe bananas into slices and add it to the other ingredients / Schneide die reifen Bananen in Scheiben
- Mix them all until it is turned into a cookie dough / Vermische alles bis es eine Keksmasse ergibt
- Place the dough on a baking sheet in form of cookies or you can also place the dough into muffin forms or anything you like (be creative!) / Platziere den Teig auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Bleck oder in Muffinformen oder was immer du magst (deiner Kreativitaet sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!)
- Bake them for 10 – 15 minutes at 350°F / 180°C (Ober-und Unterhitze geht am besten)
Note: Since they are not made with butter, eggs, or flour, they will be more chewy than crunchy. That’s normal 🙂 They are still super delicious!
What’s in it for me besides the great taste?
- high in protein, calcium, fiber
- vegan
- rich in Vitamin C, B6, Niacin, iron, manganese, copper, potassium and riboflavin
- aids hormonal balance
- boosts energy and libido
… curious about what else makes those cookies so healthy and good for us? Find out all health benefits of Maca powder, Chia seeds and Co in my post >>> HERE <<<
Of course, you can also get creative and make those cookies with Matcha, wheatgrass, hemp protein or even Moringa 🙂
ENJOY the healthy holiday feast and stay yogilated!!