buy sildenafil dapoxetine I love music! Particularly before I go to bed or during my yoga practice. It really...
Yoga for opening the heart and letting go Yoga in Berlin: Chimosa ~ Yoga, Tea, Fitness Today was the day! I started my 30...
Links to All my Published Articles in the USA and Canada I feel honored to have had many of my writings published in the USA and Canada,...
YOGA Poses 101: Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Would you like to improve your balance, stretch your shoulders and strengthen your legs and upper...
“The Big Rocks of Life” ~ A beautiful story about prioritizing “A professor of philosophy stood before his class with some items in front of him. When...
HEALTHY MUNCHING ALARM!! Delicious Sweet Potato Chips Ready for watching the final soccer game? Or for a great DVD night? I found a...
Thoughts on … admitting a mistake and treating others like an option How do you deal with a situation in which you realize that you’ve made a mistake...
A Beautiful Story About Encouragement & The Power Of Our Thoughts “Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room.One man was allowed to sit up...
Thoughts on: Life rarely happens the way we plan it. This evening, during my (meditative) walk, I walked through a little avenue and passed by a...
“Yoga für dich und überall” von Ursula Karven Ist vielleicht einer deiner Neujahrvorsätze mit Yoga zu beginnen? Wie wäre es mit ein paar kleinen...