dapoxetine clinical trials berlin chemie priligy Reflect – Set your goals – Focus – Believe – Accomplish One of the best time...
Thoughts on: Life rarely happens the way we plan it. This evening, during my (meditative) walk, I walked through a little avenue and passed by a...
The Psychology of Motivation and Making a Change It’s the new year! Most of us set new goals for 2014, and they oftentimes require...
Thoughts on: I don’t want a perfect life, I want a HAPPY life! Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to stop for a minute...
When life is tough and you need a little lift: my favorites Sure, we all have heard “Life is like a jump rope/roller coaster/sinus curve..” There are ups...
Sitting too much? Yoga poses to relax and relieve stiffness and stress Do you know that feeling, when your body aches from sitting too much? It can be...
The Cracked Pot ~ A beautiful methaphor ~A beautiful metaphor and reminder~ The Cracked Pot A water bearer had two large pots, each...