(Rich in protein, amino acids, calcium, fiber, and deliciousness! 🙂
Ingredients (1 serving):
– 1/4 cup of quinoa
– 1/2 cup edamame (preferably organic)
– 1 red paprika
– 1/4 zucchini
– green onions
– 1 tomato
– various herbs
– fresh green salad like rucola or spinach
– for spice: chili, turmeric, and black pepper
– coconut oil (native)
1. Cook the quinoa according to package instructions
2. Slice the zucchini, tomato, paprika, onions and fry/broil all of it together with the edamame in 1 tea spoon coconut oil
3. Add the greens, herbs to the veggies and top it with the quinoa.
Bon appetit! ENJOY!