How DevOps teams are using and abusing DORA metrics

These metrics give leaders tangible data to assess the organization’s DevOps performance, report to executives, and suggest improvements. High-performing teams track lead times in hours, whereas medium – and low-performing teams track them in days, weeks, or even months. Test automation, trunk-based development, and working in small batches are crucial to reduce lead time. These methods allow developers to get immediate feedback on the quality of the code they contribute, allowing them to see and fix any flaws.

What are DORA metrics

Focusing on DORA metrics and making their improvement your end goal won’t lead to anything good. Your goal should be to constantly deliver value to customers, otherwise, it goes far beyond having a high deployment frequency or quick incident management system. As you can see, four DORA metrics can make a significant change for software development organizations and ensure DevOps success. DevOps teams that leverage modern operational practices outlined by their SRE colleagues report higher operational performance. Teams that prioritize both delivery and operational excellence report the highest organizational performance.

The authors discussed the challenges with various traditional metrics such as lines of code, story points, and utilization etc. Defining the performance of an individual or team based solely on the work they put in was problematic. DORA is a research team founded in 2015 by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. Over the course of seven years, they surveyed thousands of software professionals across hundreds of organizations in various industries.

DORA Metrics: Why Your Development Team Needs Them

Mean time to restore service refers to the time that is required for a service to come back from some kind of failure. In software engineering, unplanned outages and incidents happen often, no matter how great the DevOps team is. To continue performing at a high level, it’s essential that teams are able to quickly recover or restore a system that’s down.

What are DORA metrics

While this can have a distorting effect in various contexts, it is actually the desired effect in DevOps – it helps to eradicate inefficient processes and reduces waste. In order to improve their performance in regards to MTTR, DevOps teams have to practice continuous monitoring and prioritize recovery when a failure happens. It is also helpful to establish a go-to action plan for an immediate response to a failure.

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And this is why they value robust observability platforms, like Sumo Logic, to help them measure their objectives and ensure they’re on track to meeting their KPIs, deadlines, and long-term strategies. This fifth metric brings together DevOps and SRE teams and shows that taking on SRE practices into the software development and delivery process makes sense. When changes are being frequently deployed to production environments, bugs are all but inevitable. Sometimes these bugs are minor, but in some cases these can lead to major failures. It’s important to bear in mind that these shouldn’t be used as an occasion to place blame on a single person or team; however, it’s also vital that engineering leaders monitor how often these incidents happen.

The second point can be difficult, especially in highly regulated organisations. To get the most value from this exercise, we like to get stakeholders from all teams involved in the process to participate collectively to generate the value stream map. Every year, the DORA team releases a report “State of DevOps” with the key takeaways from an industry analysis the team runs. To have valid metrics, you need to track the data properly and ensure that everything is logged.

Lastly, while it’s often interpreted that the quicker, the better within the DORA metrics framework, this mindset may omit measuring the quality of the code or the product. It’s essential that sufficient time and care is taken in extracting and calculating each metric and that each metric be interpreted within its appropriate context. Sourced can help by identifying and delivering high value interventions to help push your business up a software delivery bracket.

If a feature is not ready for prime time, release it hidden behind a feature flag or with a dark launch. According to the State of DevOps Report 2021 , the performance across the different levels is dramatic. The groundbreaking insight obtained by DORA’s research was that, given a long-enough term, there is no tradeoff between speed and quality. In other words, reducing quality does not yield a quicker development cycle in the long run. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes.

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You can use those benchmarks to evaluate the performance level of your team, and you can also use Allstacks’ own engineering performance benchmarks to compare your team to live-updated industry standards. Imagine a world where everyone has access to a dashboard reporting on the DORA metrics for each product or team. Teams would be incentivized to emulate the practices of the top performers. They’ll see another huge boost by breaking large batches of changes into smaller, independently deliverable batches. Not only will these be much faster and safer to deliver, but it’ll be easier to pivot if necessary before some broader epic has been completed, without sacrificing current progress.

What are DORA metrics

It helps engineering and DevOps leaders understand how healthy their teams’ cycle time is, and whether they would be able to handle a sudden influx of requests. Like deployment frequency, this metric provides a way to establish the pace of software delivery at an organization—its velocity. In Agile, DORA metrics are used to improve the productivity of DevOps teams and the speed and stability of the software delivery process. DORA supports Agile’s goal of delivering customer value faster with fewer impediments by helping identify bottlenecks.

Quantify Your DevOps Program with DORA Software

At the most fundamental level, DORA metrics help companies understand the actions required to quickly and reliably deliver and develop technological solutions. Get value from your data with templates, query data from multiple sources, and build the data visualizations you need for your stakeholders. Space level insights are available for Enterprise customers at a space level and cover all projects in that space. If the goal is to ship more changes, it’s essential to “scale out” deployments, rather than “scale up”.

  • Optimizing this metric is often neglected because too many teams assume a major outage will never happen.
  • DORA metrics give you an accurate assessment of your DevOps team’s productivity and the effectiveness of your software delivery practices and processes.
  • The Mean Time to Recovery measures the ‌time it takes to restore a system to its usual functionality.
  • To meet these evolving requirements, it’s essential for engineering leaders to identify means for the DevOps team to continue improving the way it works.
  • As shown in the percentage breakdowns in the table below, High performers are at a four-year low and Low performers rose dramatically from 7% in 2021 to 19% in 2022!
  • It’s been determined that teams with different levels of delivery performance see better outcomes when they also prioritize reliability as an element to improve operational performance.

This metric, also known as mean time to recovery, shows how much time your team requires to restore service in case of an outage or other incident happens. No software organization can guarantee the complete absence of outages, but each can get prepared to diagnose issues and resolve them quickly to reduce possible downtime. Over the past eight years, more than 33,000 professionals around the world have taken part in the Accelerate State of DevOps survey, making it the largest and longest-running research of its kind. The best way to enhance DF is to ship a bunch of small changes, which has a few upsides. If deployment frequency is high, it might reveal bottlenecks in the development process or indicate that projects are too complex.

Customer stories

Value stream mapping is one of the techniques that Sourced can use for your organisation to get a baseline for DORA metrics. We define Lead Time for Changes as the time when the requirement originates in the business until a particular feature is pushed into production. This metric is important because it allows us to measure the end-to-end process.

Change Lead Time

Often, we can improve throughput by optimizing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), identifying organizational problems, speeding up test suites, and reducing deployment friction. DevOps and development specialists can highlight the main aspects and focus on specific metrics instead of trying to cover everything at once. Hence, what are the 4 dora metrics for devops it becomes easier to detect problems and bottlenecks that negatively affect software delivery performance and come up with improvement plans and solutions. A value stream symbolizes the continuous flow of value to consumers, and value stream management assists an organization in tracking and managing this flow from concept to delivery.

However, the bucketing for frequency is also one of the trickier elements to calculate. It would be simple and straightforward to show daily deployment volume or to grab the average number of deployments per week, but the metric is deployment frequency, not volume. To minimize the impact of degraded service on your value stream, there should be as little downtime as possible. If it’s taking your team more than a day to restore services, you should consider utilizing feature flags so you can quickly disable a change without causing too much disruption.

Because there are several phases between the initiation and deployment of a change, it’s wise to define each step of the process and track how long each takes. Examine the cycle time for a thorough picture of how the team functions and further insight into where they can save time. It’s been determined that teams with different levels of delivery performance see better outcomes when they also prioritize reliability as an element to improve operational performance. Failures happen, but the ability to quickly recover from a failure in a production environment is key to the success of DevOps teams. Improving MTTR requires DevOps teams to improve their observability so that failures can be identified and resolved quickly. High-performing teams recover fast from system failures, usually within an hour, whereas lower-performing teams can take up to a week to recover.

Challenges of DORA Metrics

Flow metrics are a framework for measuring how much value is being delivered by a product value stream and the rate at which it is delivered from start to finish. While traditional performance metrics focus on specific processes and tasks, flow metrics measure the end-to-end flow of business and its results. This helps organizations see where obstructions exist in the value stream that are preventing desired outcomes. Mean lead time for changes measures the average time between committing code and releasing that code into production. Measuring lead time is important because the shorter the lead time, the more quickly the team can receive feedback and release software improvements. Lead time is calculated by measuring how long it takes to complete each project from start to finish and averaging those times.

Without an automated and established process, teams are likely to experience high change failure rates as they’ll need to make lots of small changes. Measuring DevOps metrics is essential for identifying how your team can more efficiently and effectively deliver and develop applications. After all, without metrics, it’s impossible to know where to focus your attention or how you can make the most significant impact. The DORA model identifies elite- to low-performance teams based on how well they perform against DORA benchmarks.

Instead of having it as a separate action, integrate your testing into your development process. Have your testers teach your developers how to write automated tests from the beginning so that you don’t need a separate step. Technically, what you want to do here is you want to ship each pull request or individual change to a production at a time.

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