Hi my dear Yogilators!
I finally got a yoga block!!! Frankly, I wasn’t too convinced about the use of it at the beginning, but the more I tried them during yoga classes in studios, the more I became I fan of it.
A yoga block is pretty versatile, one of the most common used tools in a yoga practice, AND not expensive. It comes in handy especially when you’re not too flexible or just simply sensitive in some areas (lower back, hips,etc..). I use it mostly for forward bends in order to keep my lower back straight like I could balance a tea cup on it. 🙂
One of my favorite Yoga bloggers Candace of YOGABYCANDACE posted a little bit about the use of a yoga block before and this truly inspired me to try out more with it. Find her post HERE.
Have you noticed that quite a few people don’t take a yoga block with them at the beginning of a yoga class? I’ve talked to some of them and the common response I got was “I’m very flexible, I don’t really need a block.” However, the interesting thing is, that yoga blocks are not only for increasing flexibility, they can also be used for going deeper into poses and for raising the overall challenge of the yoga practice. As you see, it’s all about development and growth 🙂 No need to feel ashamed to use one.
There are different materials for yoga blocks: cork, foam, or wood. The one I bought is from ManukaLife. I decided to go for the eco friendly foam version because it’s a lightweight, which makes it easier to carry around.
What kind of yoga block do you have? For which pose(s) do you usually use it?
Looking forward to your experiences and comments!