Thoughts on Perception – Life is really only what WE (want to) see

~Happy Sunday~

I hope you’ve had a pretty relaxing weekend so far with plenty of time to nourish your body and mind.

Yesterday, I was sitting at a rooftop cafe’ downtown watching people laughing, talking, arguing with each other. I started thinking about the phenomenon that things and our life in general is actually really just OUR own perception. We feel, smell, taste, hear, and see situations and things the way we want, influenced by past experience and our own cognitive processes.

Isn’t it incredible to think that the green tea I am drinking right now might taste totally different to you? Or the smell of my vanilla plant might smell like nothing or like roses to you? We would never really know. All we know is that “Vanilla” smells the way we perceive/smell it since we grew up.

I am very inspired to write about perception right now … time to write more … thanks for inspiring me  🙂

Stay yogilated and have a wonderful Sunday!, tramadol ingredients

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