priligy generic xanax facts As a small motivation for the beginning of a new day, I’d like to share something...
Yoga and Healing Yoga and Healing Research Have you ever wondered why Yoga is getting such an increased attention...
Great book! “Don’t sweat the small stuff … and it’s all small stuff” / “100 Regeln für ein gutes Leben” by Richard Carlson Have you read “Don’t sweat the small stuff … and it’s all small stuff” by Richard...
7 Times when Food is a healer! Do you feel under the weather? Can’t sleep? Have stomach pain? Feeling sluggish? …. As you...
Thoughts on the Power of Positive Thinking & Gratitude Good morning and happy Sunday! I hope you all had a relatively cool and restful night?...
Thoughts on Perception – Life is really only what WE (want to) see ~Happy Sunday~ I hope you’ve had a pretty relaxing weekend so far with plenty of time...
Book recommendation: “Get some Headspace” / “Mach mal Platz im Kopf” by Andy Puddicombe This is a really great book about meditation for beginners and meditation-skeptics, with great and easy...
What exactly is Bikram Yoga? Have you tried it? Bikram Yoga, also sometimes called “hot yoga” is yoga in a 105°F...